
Leadership Transition: Appointment of New CEO

Published: 02, 06, 2025 | Updated: 02, 06, 2025

After a remarkable 25-year tenure, Morten Sollerud will step down as CEO of Norilia, marking a significant transition for one of the most prominent entities in the Nordic agriculture and meat sector.

No sausages without natural casings from Norilia

Published: 01, 13, 2025 | Updated: 01, 13, 2025

Norwegians love sausages, consuming an average of 100 sausages every year. An important but often overlooked ingredient is the natural casings processed at Norilia's facility in Fredrikstad.

Norilia Nordic Achieved Leather Working Group (LWG) Certification

Published: 12, 16, 2024 | Updated: 12, 16, 2024

Norilia is proud to announce that its Hide and Leather operations have achieved full certification under the Leather Working Group (LWG) standard, ensuring 100% compliance with its strict traceability criteria. Hides and skins from cattle, sheep and goats are 100 % traceable in the Norilia Nordic production chain.

Norilia Nordic – Animal Welfare Report 2024

Published: 11, 07, 2024 | Updated: 11, 07, 2024

Norilia Nordic’s latest Animal Welfare Report reveals a proactive approach to animal welfare with advanced traceability systems, humane rearing practices, and strict compliance with both Nordic and EU regulations.

Elevate Your Product with High-Quality Poultry Protein

Published: 10, 28, 2024 | Updated: 11, 13, 2024

In today’s market, consumers demand high-protein, nutritionally balanced products. It’s crucial to meet these expectations without sacrificing taste or texture.

Norilia’s protein concentrate, Nor-HydroPep 60 DM, makes it easy to create products with high protein and optimal quality. At the same time, it preserves the desired texture and flavor of your final product.

Sustainability report 2023

Published: 08, 13, 2024 | Updated: 11, 07, 2024

The 2023 sustainability report summarizes the impact on climate, nature, animal welfare, and public health throughout our and Nortura’s value chain. It includes relevant information regarding Norilia’s business where applicable.

Power Your Product with Superior Poultry Protein: Unleash Enhanced Nutrition

Published: 04, 22, 2024 | Updated: 10, 28, 2024

The protein supplement Nor-HydroPep 90SD offers a well-balanced amino acid composition which makes it excellent for protein enhancement within food applications

The new oil: Can Norwegian chicken oil improve the snack industry?

Published: 03, 17, 2023 | Updated: 03, 17, 2023

The world’s first crisps fried in chicken oil are currently being produced at a factory in Norway. This new oil, which is produced at Norilia using an innovative technology, is being used in this way for the first time.

Norwegian farmers lead the way on animal welfare

Published: 10, 04, 2022 | Updated: 10, 04, 2022

A recent global assessment shows that Norwegian food producers are among the best in the world when it comes to farm animal welfare. Nortura places two tiers higher than last year and is now at the second highest tier.

Human rights and decent working conditions

Published: 07, 01, 2022 | Updated: 07, 14, 2022

Today the new act relating to enterprises' transparency and work on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, the Transparency Act, comes into force.


Published: 12, 31, 2021 | Updated: 12, 31, 2021

The 21st of December, Nortura was exposed to a Cyberattack. It was decided to shut down all IT-systems and remove access to the internet on all locations to minimize damage on systems and operations. This also applies to subsidiaries, Norilia included. We are therefore unable to receive external e-mails. If you need to get in touch with us, send a sms or call your contact.

Amazing Grazing - Sustainable meat and wool from sheep that graze in the Norwegian rangelands

Published: 12, 03, 2021 | Updated: 12, 03, 2021

The main goal of this research project is to provide new knowledge on how sheep rangeland grazing can be part of sustainable food and fiber (textile) systems, and how stakeholders in the value chain can enhance value creation in a wide sense. The project is led by Lise Grøva at NIBIO. Norilia is one of the project partners of the project.

Norilia participates in two recently started SFIs

Published: 07, 19, 2021 | Updated: 10, 16, 2024

Research and innovation are crucial for Norilia to create new products that our customers want and need. The Norwegian SFI program - Centre for Research-based Innovation - provides a perfect platform to research and innovate together with both research institutes and industrial partners. Norilia joined two recently started SFI projects. SFI Industrial Biotechnology; and SFI Digifoods.

Innovative use of rest raw materials from chicken and turkey

Published: 07, 12, 2021 | Updated: 07, 12, 2021

How can we best utilise high-quality proteins to benefit people? The recently concluded IPN project Hydroprot aimed to develop at least three new safe, high-quality chicken hydrolysate-based products. The project was funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Minister of Agriculture and Food visiting Bioco

Published: 06, 25, 2021 | Updated: 07, 22, 2021

Bioco is using continuous enzymatic hydrolysis to refine chicken and turkey raw materials and create hydrolyzed proteins and peptides. Wednesday the 23rd of June, the Minister of Agriculture and Food visited the new refinery at Hærland in eastern Norway.

Young and old say yes please to protein powder from chicken rest raw materials - results from the HydroProt project

Published: 06, 17, 2021 | Updated: 06, 28, 2021

To ensure that the entire chicken is eaten is good for the environment, for health and also economically. Researchers from Nofima have investigated whether Norwegians that are young, old, or particularly interested in sports would be interested in eating food enriched with proteins based on rest raw materials from chicken. This research was done as part of the HydroProt project, and an article has now been published in Matindustrien, at at

Norilia and ReSourcer partnership

Published: 03, 05, 2021 | Updated: 03, 05, 2021

Norilia collaborates with ReSourcer, an exciting new initiative around rest raw materials and sidestream value creation.

Norilia is now on The Explorer!

Published: 11, 26, 2020 | Updated: 11, 26, 2020

Norilia's protein solutions can now be found on The Explorer - Greentech from Norway.

Podcast about Norilia Nordic

Published: 11, 25, 2020 | Updated: 11, 25, 2020

Norsk Landsbrukssamvirke has published several articles and a podcast about Norilia Nordic and the advantages of Scandinavian hides and skins.

New management in Norilia Nordic

Published: 10, 20, 2020 | Updated: 10, 20, 2020

Our current director for the hides and skins business area Mr. Lars Chr. Dørum has decided to step down after 31 years in service. His efforts laid the basis for our business growth and made our products well known worldwide. We are thankful for all his efforts and the great achievements he has created for the company. Under these circumstances a generational change of management has become necessary.

Sneakers from Kastel Shoes made from Norwegian Wool

Published: 08, 31, 2020 | Updated: 09, 03, 2020

Two models have been launched: Lofoten Stone Grey and Lofoten Creamy White

Norilia took part in two podcasts about circular economy and innovation

Published: 06, 03, 2020 | Updated: 06, 03, 2020

Norilia participated in two podcasts from - one about Norwegian Agriculture's contribution to a circular economy, and one about agriculture's innovation camp 2020.

iProcess project – possibilities for full traceability of all cattle hides processed through Norilia's system back to point of origin.

Published: 03, 19, 2020 | Updated: 03, 19, 2020

Traceability is becoming more and more important for many product categories, and hides are no exception. Norilia actively works with improving traceability of cattle hides and has tested methods for providing full traceability of hides throughout the value chain, all the way to the end-user, in the recently finished "iProcess" research project.

Norilia and Himmerlandskød have established Norilia Nordic

Published: 02, 17, 2020 | Updated: 02, 17, 2020

Norilia and Himmerlandskød have established Norilia Nordic as a shared trading company for Nordic hides and skins. Both companies wish to build further upon the strong market position that Norilia has established for Norwegian hides and skins, and extend this to Nordic quality hides and skins.

Eggshell calcium from Norilia is the main ingredient in a newly launched nutritional supplement

Published: 01, 31, 2020 | Updated: 01, 31, 2020

Zobrius Pharma has launched a new nutritional supplement, with the name Maxx-calzium, that provides an organic natural calcium alternative to the inorganic limestone calcium that is typical part of nutritional supplements. Eggshell calcium from Norilia is the main ingredient of this new product, with addition of both vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 – vitamins that can support calcium uptake in the body.

Food and Drink Award for Norilia

Published: 12, 02, 2019 | Updated: 12, 02, 2019

LUXlife Magazine awarded Norilia with two awards: Best Plus Products Food Production Company - Norway, and the Excellence Award for Sustainable Agriculture 2019.

PhD degree for studying the potential for plus products in yeast production for feed

Published: 09, 26, 2019 | Updated: 09, 26, 2019

David Lapeña Gómez defended his PhD thesis on the 13th of September for obtaining a PhD degree from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). His PhD project was a part of the Foods of Norway - Centre for Research-Based Innovation (SFI). His PhD thesis is entitled: "Production of yeast from spruce sugars and hydrolysates of protein-rich by-products as feed ingredient". David tested several raw materials and ingredients from Norilia in his studies.

Devold x Sigrid

Published: 09, 22, 2019 | Updated: 09, 26, 2019

Together with Sigrid, a Norwegian singer and songwriter, Devold are introducing female styles of their original sweaters in 100% pure, Norwegian wool.

PhD degree for studying the effects of chicken hydrolysate on metabolism

Published: 09, 17, 2019 | Updated: 09, 17, 2019

Thomas Aquinas Aloysius defended his PhD thesis 13 September 2019 for the PhD at the University of Bergen (UiB): Chicken protein hydrolysates and chicken oil influence lipid metabolism and inflammation in relation to obesity and atherosclerosis. The doctoral student is from Jaffna in Sri Lanka. He has a Master of Science degree in molecular biology from UiB.

Fashion brand Tom Wood teams up with iconic Røros Tweed

Published: 09, 15, 2019 | Updated: 09, 26, 2019

Tom Wood highlights Norway’s authentic and genuine image together with iconic Røros Tweed in their new AW19-collection. Inspired by their native country’s cultural heritage, the fashion brand has entered into a long-term collaboration with the factory that has been producing wool products since 1940. Together they will develop new innovative wool qualities — expected to be big in Japan.

Easter egg or golden egg?

Published: 04, 12, 2019 | Updated: 11, 13, 2019

Norwegians love eggs for Easter. In Norilia, we love eggs all year long.

Chicken bones may help fight diabetes in the future

Published: 03, 22, 2019 | Updated: 03, 22, 2019

Approximately 8% of the world population has diabetes type 2. This is a condition in which the body is not able to handle the sugars from food efficiently. The body does not make enough insulin and has lost some of its sensitivity to insulin, and therefore blood sugar levels are too high over longer periods, which can be bad for health on the long term. A future solution may be found in chicken peptides.

Can multi-step enzymatic processing unlock the full potential of our raw materials?

Published: 01, 16, 2019 | Updated: 02, 27, 2019

Enzymatic hydrolysis is an important technology for Norilia - it is used to create our poultry protein and oil ingredients. This technology is efficient and creates high quality ingredients – but what if adding additional processing steps could unlock even more of the raw material benefits for our customers? Investigating the potential and added value of multi-step enzymatic hydrolysis processing, or in other words, cascade technology, is the focus of the Notably research project, led by Nofima AS.

Plaster with Norilia's eggshell membrane ready for testing in hospitals

Published: 12, 20, 2018 | Updated: 12, 21, 2018

Our eggshell membrane ingredients is one of our success stories. Biovotec has developed a new type of plaster that will be used to heal chronic sores. The eggshell membrane plaster is now ready to be tested in hospitals.

Norilia featured in two podcasts

Published: 12, 05, 2018 | Updated: 12, 14, 2018

Norilia has recently been featured in two podcasts recorded for the website of Norsk Landbrukssamvirke: one about the potential for our raw materials in health applications, and one about the future of Norwegian wool (podcasts in Norwegian).

Norwegian Wool Day

Published: 10, 03, 2018 | Updated: 12, 21, 2018

On the 15th of October, Norilia was hosting the Norwegian Wool Day together with The Federation of Norwegian Industries.

NorZymeD project final seminar

Published: 10, 01, 2018 | Updated: 12, 14, 2018

Norilia was a partner in the NorzymeD project - now this project has been finalized, and it had a final seminar on the 18th of October.

Norwegian Wool available as insulation for sports- and active wear

Published: 10, 01, 2018 | Updated: 12, 21, 2018

Through Norilia's cooperation with Baur Vliesstoffe and their brand Lavalan® , Norwegian Wool is now available as insulation for sports- and active wear.

E S P impresses at Oslo Runway

Published: 10, 01, 2018 | Updated: 12, 21, 2018

Oslo Runway is the premier Norwegian fashion week event. Designer Elisabeth Stray Pedersen, specializing in wool coats, jackets and scarves made by Norwegian lamb wool, is described as one of the shooting stars of Norwegian fashion. Her show at Oslo Fashion Week for AW 18 was by many selected as one of the highlights of the week.